Two cops dismissed for going AWOL

Two members of the Cebu Provincial Police Office were removed from service for being absent without leave for almost a month.

CPPO director Carmelo Valmoria yesterday signed the order removing PO1 Eduardo Perez and PO3 Girley Salimbangon from the roster of the Philippine National Police for their being AWOL.

Perez and Salimbangon were assigned to the CPPO detachment in the mountain barangay of Campoot, Tuburan town. Policemen with derogatory records have been assigned to the detachment, which serves as their holding center, to plant vegetables.

There are at least six policemen detailed in barangay Campoot but two of them did not report to work since October until November 1.

Salimbangon and Perez were previously detailed at the defunct Police Provincial Anti-Illegal Drug Task Force. They were transferred later to the Malapascua Tourist Unit of the Provincial Security Group then to the barangay Campoot because of their alleged irregularities.

Earlier, a police officer cried foul over the assignment of those with derogatory records in Campoot, citing that planting vegetables is not the work of the police but of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 

The Tuburan municipal government gave the provincial police seedlings to develop the area while the DENR provided them with about 400 hectares of land, of which 100 are the site of the detachment. – Garry B. Lao/LPM

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