Confusion starts trouble in Daanbantayan brgy

A commotion erupted yesterday morning in barangay Bakhawan, Daanbantayan town when a newly elected barangay captain demanded to be let inside the barangay hall.

Incumbent barangay councilman and barangay captain-elect Bernardito Luche Jr. was accompanied by his uncle, lawyer Braulio Arriola Jr. past 8 a.m. yesterday in going to the barangay hall of Bakhawan, Daanbantayan.

Incumbent barangay captain Manuel Linabog said that he was surprised when somebody woke him up at his residence and informed him about the presence of Luche, Arriola and some of their supporters in the barangay hall.

When Linabog arrived at the barangay hall Arriola told him they wanted to go inside the barangay hall and make some inspections and Linabog questioned them why they were accompanied by a huge crowd when their intention was only to inspect the building.

Linabog, who is in his last term as barangay captain, and is also a councilman-elect, told them that before the election, he met all the candidates and told them that before he leaves his post on November 30 there will be a formal turnover of position.

Linabog refused to give into their request and the confrontation took almost an hour until the crowd was dispersed.

Arriola, in an interview over Bantay Radyo, denied having gathered people while going to the barangay hall. — Gregg M. Rubio/BRP


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