Brothers shot dead after attending court hearing

Two brothers were shot dead inside a residential compound by two masked men after they just left a court hearing on a case they filed against a number of neighbors for allegedly cutting trees on a disputed lot.

The shooting happened yesterday morning inside the compound of the victims’ family in barangay Sangat, San Fernando town.  The victims were identified as Crispin Llanto, 34, and his younger brother, Manuel, 32.

Witnesses told elements of the San Fernando Police that two unidentified men wearing bonnets and onboard a black motorcycle shot the Llanto brothers while the latter were on their multicab, maneuvering to park inside the compound.

The assailants, one armed with .45 cal. pistol and the other with a 9mm pistol, open fired at the brothers and killed them on the spot.

The mother of the victims, Evangeline, 69, and their helper Nolita Villaber, who were busy tending the flower garden when the brothers arrived, were also hit.

Another family member, Honoria Villaber, who was interviewed by “Balitang Bisdak” said she heard gunshots prompting her to hide for safety.

Other family members reported the assailants got away so quickly they were not able to get a good look.

Chief Insp. Antonieto Cuyos, chief of San Fernando Police, said the shooting incident may be related to the case filed by the Llanto brothers against their neighbors reportedly involved in the chopping down of trees.

PO3 Markujin Misuari told The Freeman that the two had just arrived from attending a court hearing before the sala of Municipal Trial Court judge Glenda Go.

Police recovered from the crime scene several empty shells of caliber .45 cal. and 9mm shells.

Police have yet to identify the assailants and the real motive of the killings.— Edwin Ian Melecio/MEEV

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