Diabetic shoots self

A 65-year-old man committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a .38 cal. revolver last Wednesday noon in sitio Camolinaa, barangay Poblacion, Cordova town.

Cordova police chief Sr. Insp. Bonifacio Tecson identified the fatality as Resando Buenaventura.

Tecson said that the fatality's family noticed that for the past few days he would only stay inside his room and did not want to talk to anybody in the house.

Last Wednesday morning after the victim finished eating his breakfast he immediately went to his room to take a nap but around 11:30 a.m. his family members reported hearing a single burst of gunfire from his room.

When they opened the door they saw see him lying dead on his bed, the barrel of the gun was still in his mouth.

Tecson said that the slug remains inside the victim's body although they recovered four live bullets from the gun.

Tercson said that the family told him that the victim might have committed suicide because he could no longer bear suffering from diabetes. - Flor Z. Perolina/BRP

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