Guard identifies cop in moneylender's slay

After four months of silence, a security guard has surfaced to testify in the killing of a lending firm manager and her secretary last September inside the firm along T. Padilla Street, Cebu City.

Allan Gascon Ambrosio, a security guard of the Insular Security Agency and detailed at the Federal North Hardware Building, visited the office of the Homicide Section yesterday and told policemen what he saw last September 9 when PRH Lending manager Pilar Hernandez and her secretary Wevina Pancho were killed.

According to Ambrosio's affidavit he was on duty at about 8 a.m. that day. After Hernandez arrived he took up his usual post in the sidewalk beside her office, he then went to the office of the hardware and a few minutes later returned to his post.

When he was already in his post he reported seeing SPO1 Mateo Yanson leaving the lending firm and walking towards a waiting white multicab with a "Pulis" in the front.

After he got on the multicab the driver hurriedly drove towards the pier area while a red Honda wave motorcycle followed the said multicab.

Around 8:30 he said he saw San Nicolas policeman PO3 Jessie Yramis arrive and the policeman asked him if Hernandez was still seeing another customer insider her office and he replied he did not know.

He then went back to his post and was surprised when Yramis called him back again and told him that Hernandez had a high blood attack which prompted him to enter the office. There he saw Pancho lying on the floor already bloodied. When he tried to help her and asked her who shot her she said it was Yanson.

At the same time she also pointed to the table where something was written in blood. Police said it appears to be letters spelling out Yanson's name.

After the two were rushed to the hospital, he locked the office of Hernandez. He later learned the two died of their gunshot wounds a few hours later.

He said that he was familiar with Yanson because he often saw him go to her office to borrow money. He claimed there was even a time he saw Yanson park his car and he asked the policeman who he was, Yanson reportedly told him his name and that he was assigned to the Fuente police station.

Ambrosio said he decided to come out because he was bothered by his conscience. He claimed Hernandez often appeared to him in his dreams and pleaded for him to tell the truth. - Flor Z. Perolina/BRP

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