Talisay defers ok of 2007 budget

The Talisay City council yesterday hesitated to approve the 2007 annual budget of more than P276 million due to several concerns raised by some councilors.

City Councilor Arturo Bas, proponent of the proposed Resolution and Ordinance providing the annual budget for this year, said the city will have to enact this year's budget for the first few weeks of 2007 until the budget is approved.

The council - during a special session attended by the majority except Councilors Alan Bucao, Emil Go, and Iñaki Jordana - has agreed to order the City Engineer's Office to provide the body a report of how the P35 million Development Fund was spent.

Councilor Rodi Cabigas said this office had failed to repair the doorknob of the session hall's comfort room and fix the broken tiles.

"We should request the City Engineer to be present before approving the budget," said Cabigas.

Councilor Ben Abatayo, too, asked that a summary of the 20 percent Development Fund this year, which totaled P35 million, be presented. The fund was shared with the CEO and the City Planning and Development Council, and therefore, the CPDC should be asked to give a summary, too Abatayo said.

"During the budget hearing, it was agreed that the CEO submit all the finished and unfinished projects of the city," said Vice Mayor Aberdovey Belleza. He said this would help them know where the funds went. He also believes not all the money was spent and whatever is left could be used to pay the city's debts.

Meanwhile, Councilor Shirley Belleza has asked the council where the P2.5 million allocated to the Roads and Hi-ways would "specifically" go.

"Where will it be spent?" she asked, explaining that the other day a constituent asked her where the taxes were spent. This lady constituent, Belleza said, is living in sitio Hollowblock, barangay Tabunok, wherein the barangay road is dilapidated.

Vice Mayor Belleza said the city has many roads to repair that even the P2.5 million allocation is not enough to do all the work.

"I disagree/object if this P2.5 million will again go to the center lane," said Councilor Belleza. This center lane stretching from barangays Bulacao to Tabunok cost the city millions.

The council agreed that the CEO must present a list of how the money will be spent.

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