Briton with revoked permit finds allies in Prov'l Board

The Briton school superintendent of the Cebu International School whose Alien Employment Permit has been revoked and cancelled by the Department of Labor and Employment -7 has found allies in the Provincial Board after the body approved a resolution in his defense. The PB, during its session last Monday, approved a resolution appealing the Bureau of Immigration to reevaluate the case of Mark Bretherton following the revocation and cancellation of his AEP.

Last August 29, DOLE-7 cancelled and revoked the AEP of Bretherton after the CIS Faculty Association accused him of "anti-Filipino practices".

Bretherton has been CIS superintendent since August 1998, he is a British citizen but is married to a Filipina.

Acting on the objection of CISFA, DOLE-7 revoked his AEP based on the "Filipino-first policy", a policy formed during the term of former president Carlos Garcia that puts the interests of the Filipino people above those of foreigners and of the ruling party.

But PB member Victor Maambong, who sponsored the said resolution, said the "Filipino first policy" is economic in nature and the right of life and family solidarity should be given pre-eminence over property and economic rights. - Flor Z. Perolina/BRP

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