Man commits suicide inside school premises

An unidentified man believed to be in his late 30's was found dead, hanging from a nylon rope tied to the branch of a mango tree inside the compound of the Mambaling Elementary School yesterday morning.

The victim was wearing a white polo shirt, a pair of brown long pants, and a pair of green slippers, but bore no identification cards or any documents that could be used to locate his kin.

SPO3 Zenaido Pastorfide, homicide investigator of the Cebu City Police Office, told The FREEMAN that the victim may have gotten inside by climbing over the school's perimeter fence located next to the skywalk, and must have climbed to the branches of the mango tree.

Roquita Cantonga, 22, a caretaker of the school, said that she was about to wash clothes when she saw a man hanging from the mango tree. She immediately reported what she saw to the barangay hall.

Police investigators from the Scene of the Crime Operation led by chief inspector Benjamin Lara recovered a bottle of medicine believed to be for the treatment of tuberculosis and the nylon rope tied around his neck.

No sign of struggle or foul play was seen on the man's body other than the strangulation mark around his neck. The body was taken to the Saint Francis Funeral Homes where it awaits identification by relatives. - Edwin Ian Melecio/MEEV

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