Bolo wants study on effects of sex education to students

Apprehensive over the coming inclusion of sex education subject in the curriculum among high schools in Cebu, a Provincial Board member filed a resolution asking top provincial education officials to study carefully first the impact of such program to the students.

PB member Juan Bolo, in his proposed measure, is asking Provincial Schools Division superintendent Recaredo Borgonia for further studies over the effects in the implementation of the new subject.

Bolo's proposal was an offshoot to Education Secretary Fe Hidalgo's announcement that "sex education subject" should be taught to high school students.

The subject's main objective would be to prevent these students from engaging in pre-marital sex, as it is in their age level that they tend to get curious about sex and go into risky experimentation.

Earlier, Borgonia also announced that as soon as the subject's modules arrive in Cebu, the DepEd would immediately implement it in the high schools in the province.

Borgonia defended that it is much better for students to learn about sex education from their schools or parents rather than from peers or through less reliable sources.

Bolo, committee on education chairman, agreed that the subject is very relevant and practical to the present time but the outcome of its implementation over students and parents should also be considered. - Flor Z. Perolina

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