Man shoots brother's pal dead

A 24-year-old man was killed died on the spot after he was shot by the brother of his close friend while they were walking home from a disco party yesterday dawn in sitio Tugas barangay Mambaling, Cebu City.

Joedick Apaap, 24, a resident of sitio San Roque in barangay Mambaling died after being shot in the chest by 27-year-old Arturo Pardillo.

Based on the investigation conducted by SPO1 Jay Eballe, the victim was with his friends including his best friend Antoni Pardillo when they attended a disco party in the said barangay.

But on their way home the suspect was already with their group and a heated argument ensued between the two of them just because of a bad joke.

The argument between Apaap and Arturo then escalated into a brawl and sensing that he was on the losing end, Arturo then pulled out a gun from his pants and aimed it at Apaap.

Antoni upon seeing that his elder brother had pointed a gun at his best friend, then tried to pacify them both and but by then his brother had pulled the trigger and Antoni was hit in the left wrist with the bullet piercing though his arm.

Angered that he had shot his own brother Arturo leveled the gun at Apaap and shot him in the chest before escaping from the crime scene.

Both Apaap and Antoni were immediately brought to the Cebu City Medical Center but Apaap was declared dead on arrival.

Police are now looking for Arturo Pardillo. - Flor Z. Perolina

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