Gwen tells LGUs: Stop complaining

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, the co-chairperson of the ASEAN summit Cebu Organizing Committee (COC) urged all local government units concerned to stop all the noise about the budget in relation to the preparations for the event.

In her regular news conference yesterday afternoon, the governor pointed out that the fact that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has picked Cebu as the venue for the 12th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit this December is a clear manifestation of "an overwhelming vote of confidence in our capacity and capability to rise up to that challenge."

"Let's not destroy it with this whimpering about this money, budget, and all of these things. It's really shameful. I'm embarrassed."

She pointed out that although she is the co-chair of the COC, she always defers to Ambassador Ambassador Marciano Paynor Jr., who is the chairman of the ASEAN Summit-COC and the secretary general of the National Organizing Committee (NOC), for official statements, especially in matters of national concern like funds from the national coffers.

As co-chairperson, the governor said her role is confined to coordination, cooperation and collaboration with the NOC and the national government to make the hosting of the said event successful.

As such, she said all official statements should come from Paynor only.

"Let us not dictate," she said.

With regards to the budget from the national government, the governor said everybody should do away from presumptuousness.

"Do not ask me to answer for something that is of national government concern. The budget is a national government concern. I don't want to be put in a presumptuous role," she said.

"And I would want also to request everybody else to set aside this presumptuousness. Daghan na kaayo tag yawyaw. Maypag molihok na lang ta og ato in coordination, in cooperation and in collaboration with the national organizing committee and the national government," she added.

With Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña volunteered to set aside P75 million, the governor said the other local officials can take their cue from there.

"I said we should all take our cue from Mayor Tommy because first of all it will really redound to our benefit, this hosting of the ASEAN summit. Think about it. So what can we do? Unsa may atong matabang," she said.

The governor said even the provincial government has set aside P250 million to build the Cebu International Convention Center (CICC) so that Cebu has something to offer that has world-class amenities.

"Aron di ta mauwawan kay dia god ni sa Cebu. Huna-hunaa di lang Philippine government mauwawan ani, hasta kita. Mao nang maninguha ta unsa man atong matabang kay we should show our famous Cebuano hospitality. And I think the other LGUs will take their cue from there," she said.

The governor said every LGU should help in implementing improvements in their respective jurisdictions to showcase their place to foreign guests during the summit, as the "eyes of the world will be upon us."

A separate meeting with the mayors of the towns and cities in the province will be called to discuss on the beautification projects that shall be undertaken.

During the last COC meeting, designation of tasks was amended such that the beautification programs were taken from the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and given to the local government units.

"Of course, we should see to it that our LGUs are presentable, nga nindot og limpyo. Even without the ASEAN summit, cleanliness is a must if we are to show at all that we are ready for development and leap towards the 21st century," she said.

If the local leaders want Cebu to become a tourism and investment destination, the governor urged everybody to show that we are worthy of such a claim.

"Claim ta nga tourism capital ta unya puerteng hugawa, limpyo ta oy. And we can do that without yawyaw. Makauwaw, daghan istorya about budget," she said.

Earlier, Osmeña said that it would not be a problem if the national government does not allocate any amount for the host cities, because Cebu City will spend P75 million or more for the purchase of equipment, such as police cars that can still be used even after the event to maximize their use.

With the ASEAN summit getting closer and with no clear signal from the national government on what kind of money it is going to pour in to underwrite the hosting, the three host cities of Cebu, Mandaue and Lapu-Lapu are scrambling to put up their own money for the purpose.

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