Mandaue cops detailed as guards at CICC site

Policemen from the Mandaue City Police Office take turns in guarding the construction site of the Cebu International Convention Center where work is in progress.

Mandaue City Police Office officer-in-charge P/Supt. Paquito Belandres said the move, which began last April 10, is necessary to ensure that no one causes trouble that would jeopardize the work there. Another than that, the police office is concerned about the possibility of bombs being planted there considering that the convention center would host the 12th ASEAN Summit on December 11 to 14 in which 17 heads of state would be in attendance on top of about 5,000 other delegates, guests, and visitors.

The policemen work in two shifts. K-9 dogs and bomb experts from the Central Command complement the policemen. "Ato-a gyud ning gibantayan ang construction site in order to ensure the safety of the delegates and the construction site itself," Belandres said.

Mandaue City Mayor Thadeo Ouano will help promote the city as the venue for meetings, investments, conferences, and exhibitions. The city government and the province signed a memorandum of agreement last March 10 specifying the construction and management of the CICC.

The agreement stipulates that Cebu province will construct the building while the city would provide the land. The lot measures 38,136 square meters with a value of P457,632,000 while the construction of the center would cost P250 million. The signatories would jointly manage the center. - Peachy Palma, STC MassComm Intern

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