CIDG-7 tasked to head task force vs. gambling

The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-7 has been tasked to head the Anti-Illegal Gambling Task Force. CIDG-7 director Jeorge Corpuz yesterday said that he got a letter dated March 21 from PNP chief Arturo Lomibao ordering the creation of the anti-illegal gambling office with CIDG as the lead agency with the support of the local police.

The main task of the said office to conduct an intensive campaign against all forms of illegal gambling activities, especially jueteng, from the nationwide level down to the barangay level and show its sincerity to stop such illegal activities.

Lomibao's directive came after learning from reports that although the Anti-Illegal Gambling Task Force based in Camp Crame is active there are still complaints about rampant illegal gambling activities nationwide. Corpuz said the CIDG-7 is now working closely with the local police but if the local police can carry out the task for them so much the better.

The CIDG has also been ordered to implement the three-strike policy on local PNP units. If the CIDG is able to conduct three consecutive anti-gambling operations in a certain municipality, city or province, the police chief of the certain municipality, city or province will be relieved.

As of the moment Corpuz said they are in the process of identifying areas in Cebu where illegal gambling is rampant. - Flor Z. Perolina

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