TB-free RP by 2006 sought

The Provincial Board called on the implementation of a program of the Department of Health to have the country TB-free by 2006, this after PB member Juan Bolo presented a study indicating that about 133 in every 100,000 Filipinos in the country are infected with tuberculosis bacilli and that about 75 Filipinos die from TB everyday.

"In consonance with the constitutional mandate of keeping our citizens healthy, it is the department's thrust to keep our country TB-free the soonest time possible," the board said in a resolution.

According to Bolo, despite the many programs implemented by the DOH, still TB continues to be one of the killer diseases in the country.

At present, Bolo said the department reported that they are working to minimize, if not totally eradicate, the disease by 2006.

The DOH program dubbed "Global Plan: To Stop TB (2001-2006)" aims to diagnose 70 percent of TB infections and treat 90 percent of these diagnosed cases.

PB member Estrella Yapha, chairman of the committee on health, shared in Bolo's observation.

Yapha, a practicing physician, said there is a need for the DOH to implement comprehensive programs to address the problem. - Jose P. Sollano

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