CPPO chief backs beleaguered cop

The policeman who is now in trouble for failing to inform his superiors about the four suspected kidnappers renting a room in his brother's house has been defended by no less than his superior.

Cebu Provincial Police Office director Vicente Loot yesterday said that he will not conduct an investigation on PO3 Roger Baguio unless ordered by the Police Regional Office-7.

Loot said that in fairness to Baguio, the latter was able to inform the Provincial Anti Illegal Drugs Special Operation Task Force (PAIDSOTF) about the four men who rented a room in his brother's house in barangay Gun-ob, this after he feared that they might be after him.

The men were eventually arrested at the Mactan Cebu International Airport.

Loot said that Baguio was afraid when the suspects arrived in their place since he feared that they might be after him. Baguio said he had been getting death threats after arresting a drug lord while he was still assigned to the Cordova Police.

Loot said that all the statement of Baguio were useful in gathering information against the suspects.

PRO-7 director Eduardo Gador yesterday he said that an investigation will be conducted against Baguio to see if he knew the suspects well.

Gador yesterday confirmed that one the suspects, Jessie Pepino was already convicted of kidnapping in 2004 but was able to escape jail, according to information provided to them by the Crusade Against Violence. - Flor Z. Perolina with Norvie S. Misa

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