Two cops face probe for harassing tanods

Two members of the Parian Police Station are facing probe by the People's Law Enforcement Board for allegedly harassing, berating, and humiliating six barangay tanods of Lorega-San Miguel during the turnover of five arrested persons last month.

The tanods - Nestor Supapo, Brian Mabaga, Crisanto Carreon, Perfecto Pulgo Jr., Romeo Baracao and Edward Yosores - brought the arrested persons to the Parian Police Station following their arrest in December for drugs.

According to the tanods, while SPO4 Jose Mangaran was busy entering the records in the blotter, SPO1 Adolfo Morales, PO3 Dhonel Salazar, PO3 Achilles Sanchez and a certain police officer Mahinay arrived at the police station.

Morales and Salazar, who were reportedly drunk, then allegedly insulted and berated the tanods in the presence of the arrested persons.

The policemen allegedly accused the tanods that the handgun they had confiscated was not the real one. Not contented, Morales and Salazar reportedly berated the tanods that their drug operation was not coordinated with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and the police station.

The tanods also accused the police officers of pointing service firearms at them. In support to the accusation, the Lorega-SanMiguel barangay council sent a resolution to the PLEB complaining over the policemen's actuation.

The council also furnished a copy of the resolution to Mayor Tomas Osmeña, Vice Mayor Michael Rama, Councilors Augustus Pe and Procopio Fernandez, National Police Commission and city police director Melvin Gayotin.

Lorega-San Miguel barangay captain Fortunato Parawan, a lawyer, said Morales and Salazar committed gross misconduct, grave abuse of authority and conduct unbecoming.

"We will request the higher office of the Philippine National Police that these police officers be immediately assigned out from the Cebu City police office for they have undeniably caused diminution to the quality of police personnel assigned in this city," the resolution read. - Garry B. Lao

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