Magazines to be sold in the city have to undergo CAIB review

All magazines that are to be sold in Cebu City will soon have to go through the scrutiny of the City Anti-Indecency Board before these can be sold to the public.

CAIB chairman Rene Josef Bullecer yesterday told The Freeman that based on a city ordinance, no magazine shall be sold to the public in the absence of CAIB review.

Bullecer said CAIB will review stories and photos that are published in all magazines, and, if the board finds these printed materials offensive and/or pornographic, the magazine will not be given clearance to be sold within the city.

He said magazines like Metro, Cosmopolitan, Pump, Icon and Revue will be among those which would have to undergo CAIB review.

He added that magazines sold in the city without a seal from the CAIB will be confiscated. Newsstands and magazine shops selling magazines without the seal will also be closed down and will have to pay a P5,000 fine.

Magazine and tabloid distributors in Cebu City signed a manifesto last month together with CAIB to stop the distribution of pornographic reading materials.

Bullecer said because of this manifesto, 90 percent of magazine and tabloid distributors no longer accept and distribute magazines and tabloids that are considered pornographic.

CAIB has been coordinating with the police and other law enforcement agencies, including barangay officials, in the implementation of this campaign. - Mitchelle P. Calipayan

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