Ginatilan town fills 1,000 has. with lanzones trees

Even before Rep. Simeon Kintanar could implement his fruit tree-planting program in the 2nd district, Ginatilan town had already planted lanzones trees on 1,000 hectares.

Kintanar said he is putting in P40 million for the 15 towns in the district to make it as the fruit and vegetable haven in the province. The second district is known to have a rich and fertile soil good for different kinds of plants.

But Kintanar later learned that Ginatilan Mayor Dean Michael Singco had already initiated planting lanzones trees.

"This is very laudable, Mayor Dean has been working quietly on his own in coming up with a very helpful project, he is developing an orchard," Kintanar said.

Families or individuals who want to plant lanzones in their backyards are given technical assistance.

Kintanar said the P40 million will also be used for the purchase of hybrid seeds of various fruits. Other fruits considered are mangoes, jackfruit, bananas and watermelons.

The project is implemented with the Department of Agriculture and Department of Environment and Natural Resources. - Ferliza C. Contratista

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