PB tackles P276M supplemental budget today

The P276-million supplemental budget of the province will be taken up for first reading in today's session of the Provincial Board.

Of this proposed budget, the bulk goes to the Office of the Provincial Engineer with P115-million, divided into P50-million for Phase 3 of the road improvement projects, P15-million for maintenance of roads and bridges, P18-million for the Cebu Performing Arts Center, and P10-million for renovation and refurbishing of the Capitol main building.

The second segment of the budget amounted to P109.07-million for the Governor's Office. This is divided into P50-million for assistance to barangays, P50-million as subsidy for local government units, P2-million for peace and order programs, and P1.5-million for the implementation of the children and family support ordinance.

The third segment, amounting to P18.9-million, goes to the Office of the Provincial Administrator. Of this amount, P11 million would be for the unpaid early retirement and separation benefits of employees, most of whom were affected by the Capitol's outsourcing system.

The fourth segment would be for the Vice-Governor's office with P10.46-million, distributed into legislative assistance fund, information technology equipment and software improvement and donations.

The rest of the supplemental budget would be for the collective negotiation agreement bonuses, covering P10,000 for each employee. - Ferliza C. Contratista

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