City dad wants directional signs for bikers installed

Councilors Edgardo Labella is urging the Cebu City Traffic Operations Management to devise measures directed towards installing information or directional signs for bicycle riders.

In a proposed resolution, Labella said the "brewing energy crisis" in the country plus the rising cost of petroleum products have resulted to more people using bicycles as a means of transportation even here in Cebu City.

A cursory inspection of the daily traffic situation in the city would reportedly unravel "some horrifying road scenes" wherein bicycles use the middle lanes of the road that is supposedly designated for fast moving vehicles.

These bicycles reportedly would tend to mess up the flow of traffic since vehicle drivers are either forced to slow down or initiate cutting moves to avoid bumping into the food-pedaled vehicles.

This is reportedly even more dangerous at night considering that most bicycles are not fitted with reflectorized gadgets.

Labella said it would be better if CITOM took appropriate actions on this behalf considering that many concerned citizens have observed that the city's major thoroughfares are bereft of advisory signs for bicycle riders, "which could inform them on proper road use."

The city council will tackle this proposed resolution during its regular session Wednesday next week. - Joeberth M. Ocao

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