Widow to face abortion raps

A 45-year-old widow is set to be charged with "intentional abortion" after she reportedly allowed a quack doctor to abort her eighth child in sitio Bonbon, barangay Ocana, Carcar town last Tuesday afternoon.

Carcar Women's Desk officer Ruby Mulo said they are gathering evidence for the filing of the case against Rosita del Concepcion and the suspected abortionist Francisca Diola, 55, who is now detained in their station.

The reported abortion would not have been discovered had the 15-year-old daughter of Concepcion not revealed the incident to an uncle who immediately reported the matter to the police.

Concepcion instructed her daughter to bury the fetus, but the girl suspected there could be something wrong because the dead body almost had complete parts.

She decided to tell her uncle about the fetus, who instead of burying the dead body, stored it in an ice bucket and eventually reported it to the police.

When the responding policemen arrived, they found Concepcion pale and weak resulting from severe bleeding. The woman was then brought to the Carcar District Hospital, while Diola was quickly arrested.

Recovered from the bedroom of Concepcion were empty medicine wrappers, the contents of which were believed to be abortifacients.

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