Suspected car thief recaptured

Police recaptured yesterday morning a suspected carnapper who managed to escape when brought to the Cebu City Prosecutor's Office Wednesday afternoon. The man was arrested yesterday for harassing his own parents.

Nanik Nikki Shewakram was arrested by elements of the Parian Police led by SPO1 Adolfo Morales and SPO1 Leo Hortellano after his father called the police when he reportedly went berserk after he was not allowed in his parents' house in Sepulveda Street, barangay Zapatera, past 8 a.m.

A sachet of suspected shabu was recovered from him during his arrest.

Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Branch chief Paul Labra said reports have it Shewakram was involved in carnapping before and has been in rehabilitation several times for drug addiction.

When Shewakram was arrested last Wednesday, he was cited for illegal possession of firearms and for making trouble at his parents house prompting their security guard to fire a warning shot.

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