Blood council meets CV's blood demand

The Regional Blood Coordinating Council yesterday announced it had achieved a 97.18 percent compliance of Central Visayas' demand of bags of blood.

Regional Blood Center chief Lydia Bigornia said her center has collected a total of 34,162 bags of blood, only a little short of the yearly demand of 35,000 bags for the region.

But the council did not specify the number of 450cc-unit bags and 250cc-unit bags, or on what types of blood are in its bank.

Bigornia said more people are needed to donate blood and help save many lives. A sufficient blood supply is a cornerstone of good health care system, she said.

"We really need the help of our donors and soon to be donors because we are supposed to supply the needs and blood demands of the entire Visayas and the northern part of Mindanao," Bigornia said.

In observance of the Blood Donors' Month this July, Bigornia said the RBCC, the Department of Health, the Philippine National Red Cross, and the Rotary Club have joined hands in urging groups to participate in blood donation.

Donated blood is used by hospitals to save patients suffering from shock, victims of accidents and major trauma, people with leukemia and hemophilia and those undergoing surgery, childbirth and transplantation.

A typical blood donor should be 16-65 years old, weighs at least 45 kilograms, well-hydrated and fed, with good hemoglobin count and blood pressure.

Between seven and nine percent of the blood volume of an average adult produces 450-cc of blood from a bloodletting that takes about five to 10 minutes to do.

Donors should not worry about blood loss because the body replaces it within 24 to 48 hours, and for as long as they eat regular meals, drink plenty of fluids, must not smoke within the next two hours or drink alcohol within the next 12 hours.

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