
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

The meanings of sleeping positions

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines – We all like to feel secure in our relationships. And it doesn't really take much - a compliment here, a smile or a wink or an appreciative look there, maybe some flowers or chocolates once in a while, and we feel like we're in a perfect relationship. But women, especially, occasionally like to test their men. Sometimes just for fun, at other times because they're feeling a bit insecure and need a bit of reassurance. It's all completely normal as long as we don't go overboard in our tests and start questioning everything.

For those who do feel a bit too worried (perhaps it's that time of the month and you've had a bit too much pizza and watched a particularly awful movie that left you feeling insecure) here's a great way to calm you down.

While it's completely possible to fake feelings when awake, it's pretty impossible to do it when one is asleep. You can't fake a smile or give a compliment when you're busy snoring. This is where the science of sleeping positions comes in handy. Statistically the closer the two of you sleep in bed, the stronger are your feelings for each other and the happier you are in your relationship.

But don't rush with conclusions. Just because you don't sleep in a full body hug with your partner doesn't mean you're about to break up. So, in order to avoid any rushed conclusions and misunderstandings here's a rundown of the most common sleeping positions and the meaning of each.

1. Spooning

How to: One of you is on his or her side, with the other person snuggled up behind.

Pros: It shows that the couple is close and happy, and wants to show their love to each other and be physically close.

Cons: In the summer it might be too hot and you really don't want to be hugged and be all sweaty.

2.Pillow Talk

How to: You're facing each other but not touching.

Pros: This represents intimacy and the need for one-on-one contact and conversation in bed.

Cons: Couples often worry about morning breath and just in general this isn't the most convenient position for breathing, you have to breathe in unison if you don't want to inhale the air your loved one just exhaled.

3. Romantic

How to: Possibly the most overused in cinema position, a man is lying down on his back with a woman on her side, head resting on his shoulder or chest.

Pros: This usually signifies a start of a new relationship. Affectionate, but still a bit shy and not overly clingy.

Cons: While some find the sound of their partner's heartbeat under their ear calming and relaxing, others might find it distracting and annoying - plus it's not really that comfortable for your neck and your partner is most likely feeling a bit trapped lying on his back all the time.

4.Back to back

How to: Pretty self-explanatory - both of you are lying on your sides with your back to each other. Your backs, legs or feet might be touching occasionally.

Pros: It signifies that both partners are confident in their relationship and have probably been together for a while and respect each other's sleeping habits.

Cons: No need to worry, as long as you're not too far from each other, it's fine. Most couple's find this position to be the most comfortable to sleep in. The only con we could think of is perhaps rolling and bumping into each other when trying to roll over onto your back, which could be surprising in the middle of the night and might wake up both of you.


How to: Both sleep on opposite sides of the bed facing away from each other.

Pros: You both value comfort and respect each other's personal space. This works perfectly if you two have different resting temperature preferences. For example one prefers to be cooler and sleep only partially under covers and the other likes to be snugly tucked and warm.

Cons: It might signify emotional distance and a frustration in the relationship. This might also lead to comical tug wars for covers.

Now, the thing to keep in mind is that sleeping positions do not totally define your relationship and no one sleeps in the same position all the time. Most people move in their sleep and might go through all of these in one night. It's not exactly rocket science; in fact, by thorough analysis, each of these sleeping positions may be interpreted differently. What matters is that you're happy to see each other when you wake up.












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