
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Third Sunday of Advent

Rev. Fr. Ben Sim, S.J. - The Philippine Star

 (Luke 3:10-18) 2012-13



The Chinese word for "crisis" is made up of two characters side by side: the first is "danger" and the other is "opportunity."

We all know that every crisis in our lives, be it in the family, in our nation or in the environment, contains both these elements – the possibility of danger that might be totally destructive and an opportunity that might be redemptive and transforming.

In many of the recent surveys about modern life, Christmas is perceived by many to be a time of great stress.

We have many parties, exchange gifts. We give alms, and participate in charitable projects. These are good in themselves. But often, Christmas becomes a "Festival of Conspicuous Consumption."

When I reflect on the joy and celebration of Advent and Christmas, I see four different spiritual levels of sharing. For some people, it's a time to clean up the cabinets and garage. Give them to the poor.

The second group of people catches the spirit of Christmas by organizing gift-packages, and feeding programs for the indigent. It is a kind of social activity to feel good around Christmas time, that they are doing something for the poor.

The third group would be those who reach out to the poor as a personal response to God's love. They would, in the spirit of Advent sacrifice, give up a dinner in a restaurant, or a new dress, or a vacation, and give the money to a charitable project or to some poor families. Love involves self-sacrifice.

The last group would be those who deeply feel how much God has loved us in offering what is most precious to Him. And in response, they would offer something precious and valuable to Him, perhaps a favorite sweatshirt or a ball pen either for exchange gifts or for gifts to the poor. It is a more meaningful gift of love.

A priest told me that perhaps I could include here the giving up of a favorite grudge, or hatred, or to offer forgiveness for a hurt. Mind you, all these people are doing something praiseworthy. But there is a difference in their appreciation of Christmas.

The arrival of Jesus in our midst is both a danger and an opportunity, as John the Baptist vividly warns us. The message of John is one of judgment and therefore there is the danger of condemnation. It is also one of opportunity, because he sees the hope of positive changes and transformation at the heart of the message of Jesus.

John the Baptist is extremely important in the prelude to Christmas. We need to recall that for hundreds of years prior to John's arrival on the scene, no voice of a prophet had been heard in Israel.

The life of the average Israelite was filled with misery, yet God apparently was silent. Into this period of silence came John as a single-minded individual whose will never wavered. He was fearless, denouncing evil even in high places, when and where he found it.

What is clear is that Advent brings danger. Judgment is inescapable. It was their failures and our failures that bring us again to hear John the Baptist, to hear God's word of forgiveness, to be changed from what we have been to what we should be. John tells the pagan soldiers, "Do not practice extortion, and do not falsely accuse anyone." He was telling them to do their ordinary jobs the way they should be done - with honesty and integrity.

To men and women not used to doing their jobs this way, it meant taking a big step forward and approaching life in a spiritual way. To the tax collectors, who were Jews but living like pagans, Jews who were living by the world's standards, not by God's, John gave them much the same advice that he gave the soldiers: "Stop collecting more than what is prescribed."

John was telling them to start living their lives in a way that was in harmony with who they were: God's chosen people.

For the people who were Jews in name only, this was a tall order. It meant taking a big step forward and becoming Jews in fact, not just in name. To the Jews, who were living fairly faithful lives, but who could be doing more, the challenges: "Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise."

In other words, John was telling them to take a giant step forward in their relationship with God and one another. John's response to each group follows a pattern. It comes down to this: Take the next step in the journey of becoming who God called you to be. "What should we do during this Advent to prepare for the coming of Jesus?" John may say: “Before I can tell you what you ought to do, I need to know where you are. Where are you in your Christian life? Where does God want you to be? Now take the next step in the direction that God wants you to go.”

This is what Advent is all about. It's not merely signaling that you intend to turn your life in the right direction. It's taking the next step and doing it. It is to be generous, wise, loved and loving children of a God, whose mercy is always greater than our sin.


Misa de Gallo (John 5: 33-36)



Today we begin the beautiful tradition of Misa de Gallo. It is a more intense period of preparation for the celebration of Christmas, the birth of Christ.

Liturgically,  we are still in the season of Advent. But for all practical purposes Christmas celebrations start with these nine days before Christmas Day.

TheChristmas Season (the 12 days of Christmas more or less) starts with December 25 and ends with the Solemnity of the Epiphany. But during most of those days the schools are on holidays, the offices are closed, and many people are on vacation out of town.

So, the Misa de Gallo serves as a kind of sneak preview into Christmas, or a transition from Advent to Christmas.

To me, the Misa de Gallo is especially beautiful because of its meaningful symbolism. It is still a period of waiting and preparation. It entails the sacrifice of getting up early in the morning.It is a sacrifice we offer in preparation for the coming of the Savior.

Time itself from the darkness of night to the light of dawn is symbolic of the world in the darkness of sin waiting for the coming of dawn, the coming of Jesus Christ the Light of the world. [That is why I would not favor "anticipated Misa de Gallo." It loses the meaning and symbolism.]

The singing of the "Gloria" is in joyful anticipation of Christmas. The custom of "painit" after the Mass brings us the spirit of festivity of the season and the joy of family gathering - often with friends.

As we get closer to Christmas Day, it may be good to ask ourselves, "What is Christmas to me?"

For some it is a time to ask for gifts – but why? Is it just a custom and tradition at this time of the year? Are we living a Christmas without Christ like many pagans do?

However, let us remember that the greatest Gift of Love. Jesus is the Gift of God, Love in the flesh. The Father gave us what is most dear and precious to Him. The Jewish celebration of the Passover is to make themselves present during the actual happening in history. to be present there at the time the event was happening.

Can we make ourselves present during that first Christmas Eve as it was happening? What would we say to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph? What would they say to us.

Secondly, in Advent we prepare for the Final Coming of our Lord at the end of time. Most of us look to the first coming of Our Lord at Christmas with nostalgia and nice feelings. But most of us look a the Final Coming of Our Lord with fear and trembling. It is the same Jesus, who is coming.

The question is: How do we prepare for His final coming?

• Do we prepare ourselves so that he will be coming as a friend, or will he be a stranger coming to sentence us? Who therefore is Jesus to you?

There is a third way by which Jesus is coming. He comes to us in our daily life. This is most important.

Jesus describes the end of our lives and the end of the world with two images: It is like a thief in the night coming when we least expect him, or as a bridegroom coming to claim his bride.

If we don't grow in our relationship with Him in our daily life, He will be coming as a thief in the night.

If we cultivate an intimate relationship with Him, He will come as a Bridegroom claiming his bride.

John the Baptist was to prepare the way of the Lord - by leveling the mountains and hills, - filling up valleys and ravines, - making the rough roads smooth.

What does this mean concretely?

It means on the one hand to: remove or overcome any thing that; keeps us from opening ourselves to God more totally.

Concretely, it may mean - to be moreunderstanding, patient, and compassionate towards others, especially our subordinates.

It may mean to be more forgiving, and letting go of our favorite grudges.

In short, it means to be more Christ-like.

Moreover, this Advent and Christmas Season brings us great opportunities for love and service.

Perhaps, during this Season of Advent and Christmas, we can pray for the grace to be more sensitive to the needs of others, and to be more generous in our response to their needs, and to be more responsible to the care of our environment.

There is also the opportunity for helping the Jesuit Missions to the poor and the indegenous marginalized Filipnos of Bukidnon.

Perhaps for every party and celebration, you can set aside a counterpart amount for our parish scholarship, or for the victims of calamities or the missions, or some gifts to a poor family around you.

My sisters and brothers, do you want to really have a Merry Christmas?

Try giving to the poor, to the Social Services - especially those who are really in need.

A blessed Christmas to all of you! — Rev. Fr. Ben Sim, S.J.

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