Why this happens

Aggression (hitting and biting), Interrupting, Lying, Pulling Hair, Running away, Screaming, Tattling, Teasing, Throwing tantrums, Throwing things and Whining - all these have to be discouraged, should not be tolerated and should be indoctrinated during your child's imitative years (5 years old and below), at which point it can still be stopped or changed. Otherwise, it will be past heeding and sorry to say, a wee bit too late!

Aggression (hitting and biting)

This type of behaviour is a completely normal part of your child's development, but it shouldn't be ignored. Let him/her know that this is unacceptable and that there are other ways to express one's feelings.


The concept of interrupting will absolutely make no sense to your child. Children think that they are the center of the universe when they are around adults but the older they become the less attractive it may seem when they interrupt conversations. Your child's short-term memory isn't well developed just yet, which means that they are likely to say things before they forget.

Tell your child nicely to not interrupt when he/she does so. Or if he/she requires immediate attention (when important); a simple "excuse me please" or "sorry to interrupt" isn't hard to say.


Children can't really tell the difference between fantasy and reality or the concept of lying and telling the truth. This comes from an active imagination (creativity), forgetfulness or the angel syndrome.

Hair Pulling

It is a form of a "childish threat", that when something doesn't happen their way or when a toy is taken away from them, pulling their own hair can happen. But it is a way of expressing themselves, so try to take control of the situation.

Running Away

In short, your toddler wants to walk on his/her own, a newfound independence, which they want to take advantage of. But no, your child isn't running away from you, he/she just wants to run off and explore whatever needs exploring.


It's the power of voice that is being experimented though some children do it to get attention. This should not be tolerated as this can cause embarrassment!


Just like adults. And it can sometimes cause trouble. At the end of the day, who needs a tattletale?


This isn't usually done maliciously but children should be taught that it can sometimes be equally hurtful and can be embarrassing when going overboard.

Throwing Tantrums

Young children are especially prone to tantrums due to frustration. Again, this should not be tolerated. Surely, you wouldn't want this to be used against you in the future!

Throwing Things

For many children, throwing things around is a lot of fun! And it is…until your child breaks something valuable, which you can't take back! Yes, children should be taught what things can and cannot be thrown around.


Your child wants something he/she cannot get. This is why he/she whines. So this is up to the parent to balance out the situation or else it'll drive you completely insane.

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