What About August?
If you look up the word august in the dictionary, you’ll find two definitions.
First , august as an adjective. It means: old, serious, and respected; inspiring awe or admiration; majestic.
“You know, the august presence of Senate President Enrile at the school program excited the children.”
“The third graders came upon an august body of teachers meeting in the classroom.”
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Second, August as a proper noun (and therefore capitalized). It means: the 8th month of the year, which is this month. How did the word come about?
In ancient times, August was originally named Sextilis in Latin, because it was the sixth month in the original ten-month Roman calendar. At that time, March was the first month of the year.
It was in 700 BC that it became the eighth month when King Numa Pompilus of Rome added January and February before March. He assigned 29 days to August.
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Years and years later, Emperor Julius Caesar added two more days to August—giving it the modern length of 31 days—when he created the Julian calendar, the basis of the Gregorian calendar that we are using today.
Then many more years later, Sextilis was renamed in honor of Emperor Augustus Caesar, grand nephew and heir of Julius Caesar. The Senate chose this month to honor Augustus because it was during this time that several of his triumphs happened, including the conquest of Egypt.
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In the Philippines, this month of August brought us rainfall more than those we experienced with typhoon Ondoy almost three years ago. The whole of Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon were flooded badly.
During the floods, however, many heroes emerged: rescuers of those in danger; donors of clothes and food for those who fled their homes; and helpers in whatever way to make the life of the flood victims in evacuation centers easier.
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How appropriate that on the last Monday of August , we will commemorate National Heroes’ Day (Araw ng mga Bayani).
On this day we will remember and honor all the nation’s heroes throughout history. It marks the 1896 Cry of Pugad Lawin by the Katipunan, led by its Supremo Andrés Bonifacio, which began the Philippine Revolution.
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This month is important to Filipinos because aside from National Heroes’ Day, we also celebrate August as the “Month of Philippine Languages.”
A few important things in the past also happened this month.
August 8, 1967: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) was established, with the Philippines as a founding member.
August 21, 1971: A bomb explosion disrupted a meeting of Liberal Party politicians at Plaza Miranda in Quiapo, Manila. Some people were killed and many were injured.
August 21, 1983: Benigno Aquino, on his return from exile in the US, was shot dead at the airport.
August 23, 1901: The USS ship Thomas, with 600 American teachers on board, arrived in Manila. These teachers were later called Thomasites. They came to establish a new public school system and to train Filipino teachers.
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Are you celebrating your birthday this month of August? If so, may you have a happy one! Please visit my website: http://leavesofgrace.blogspot.com or email me at: gdchong@gmail.com.
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