
Looking into several tooth and gum products for children that are easily available, I came across the Sansfluo range. I coincidentally got as a sample pack for free, and therefore couldn’t wait to try and test it.

During toothbrush time, all toddlers swallow the toothpaste as opposed to spitting it out. The Sansfluo range powered by xylitol, a healthy natural sweetener extracted from fruits, berries and hardwood trees, has no preservatives, no artificial colourings, non-foaming, no sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) making it safe for infants and toddlers to swallow. Xylitol inhibits tooth decay, stops plaque growth, relieves dry mouth, reduces gum diseases plus other positive benefits. Best of all, it is fluoride-free making it a wonderful option to use for children ages 0 to 6 years old.

Toothgel Cleanser

Excessive digestion of fluoride during the teething years can cause dental fluorosis and therefore, using as a fluoride-free toothpaste, you need not worry. Making brushing fun, this toothgel cleanser comes in orange and strawberry flavors, as well.

Teething Gel

This product seems to have a cooling effect as the teething gel temporarily relieves sore gums due to teething. Consult your pediatrician whether this product is safe to use if your child happens to be teething under 4 months old.

Dental Brush and Gum Massager

It is highly important to clean your child’s mouth and teeth as soon as the first tooth erupts. The dental brush and gum massager, which is available in blue and pink colours, is a small finger brush that comes with a hygiene case for sanitary purposes. Together with the use of the toothgel cleanser or the teething gel, squeeze a small amount on the brush then use small circular brushing motions on your child’s teeth and gums. Always wash thoroughly after use, then store in its hygiene case.

Tooth and Gum Wipes

This makes a wonderful option when outside of the house, when regular toothbrushing isn’t convenient. Strawberry flavored, the tooth and gum wipes come in a box of 12 individual sachets/packets, which contains a sterilized piece of gauze soaked in ionized water and in xylitol, as well.

Xylitol Swab

Applied or coated on the tooth surface or gumline, this xylitol swab is to inhibit the formation of plaque that causes tooth decay. Very helpful!

Other available products also include Sansfluo Natural Cold and Cold Vapor Rub. It’s extremely mild with a pleasing smell. These products listed above are available at Baby Company, Watsons, Rustans, and other local pharmacies, groceries and department stores.

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