Ultimate Questions Do Matter

Living Word Christian Churches of Cebu International Inc.

CEBU, Philippines - If we believe that life is an accident, then all of it ought to be an accident: that also includes the basic reliability of our sense perception (like if our thoughts and ideas are all just the random  products of bio-chemical reactions wherein we may feel human, but it’s just a feeling, an illusion), of reality itself, and even the enjoyment of life and beauty in all its forms.

Knowing all things with absolute, exhaustive knowledge is impossible; many things  are unfathomable. The here and now is certainly important, but reality also includes what is unseen and immaterial, and are really beyond the scope of the scientific empiricism in the natural, physical world we live in. But there are essential questions that can be answered and hard rationalism can’t even stand on its own weight, since everyone really places faith on and believes in something (be it in God, themselves, agnostic skepticism or a belief in unbelief).

Our source of self-worth and what we built our identity upon does matter. Knowing what luck, fate, destiny, or divine intervention really are, and the implications of having a worldview built around these, does matter. We all have a purpose in living and it does matter to know, discuss, and weigh worldviews because articulating what we believe may unknowingly expose false assumptions we hold on to. (CONTRIBUTED)

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