The Secret of the Healing Fruit

CEBU, Philippines - The guyabano (or sour sop) has been around for forever yet not a lot of people know its wonders. Even in a published book by the University of the Philippines, Plants of the Philippines, the Guyabano fruit was just mentioned in passing. In the 550-page book, all you can gather about this fruit is “a relative to atis”. That’s how anonymous and unimportant the guyabano was.

But lately, the guyabano has been, gradually, rising to fame. It has been a subject to a lot of blogs all over the internet, as well as newspaper articles. People have slowly collected relevant information about the fruit that heals all kinds of wounds—internally and externally.

According to the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the guyabano is one of the fruits that deserve attention. With cancer as the most deadly disease of today, patients suffering from it would be happy to know that the guyabano fruit not only cures all kinds of cancers, it is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. The great thing about it is that it selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It attacks cancer safely in an all-natural therapy without the hair loss, extreme nausea and weight loss. It effectively cures 12 types of cancer including, colon, breast, lung, prostate and pancreatic cancer.

Aside from that, the heart-shaped guyabano fruit has so much to offer the world. Here are some of its medicinal benefits:

• The sap of young guyabano leaves can be applied directly on pimples to induce suppuration.

• The leaves and roots of the guyabano tree, when steamed, give a small amount of essential oil. This can cure colic and convulsions.

• For fevers, a decoction of leaves can be taken for faster healing.

• Crushed fresh leaves can be applied on the skin to ease rheumatism and skin infections like eczema. It can also be applied on skin eruptions. This can emit skin scars when applied during the healing process.

• The seed oil of the guyabano can kill head lice.

• The guyabano fruit protects the immune system and wards off deadly infections.

A word of warning though: the guyabano seeds are toxic and should be removed. But for the other parts of the guyabano tree, feel free to search for more health benefits. The important thing, though, is to stay safe and always have a legitimate source for information when it comes to herbal medicines. It is, after all, better to be safe than sorry.

With all the problems and crisis we face each day, it is all the more reason to stay healthy. Our body is just one body; we cannot replace it with another. So live healthy and stay healthy! Go guyabano!

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