Running for the disabled and endurance training

CEBU, Philippines - To commemorate the 33rd National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week, the Philippine Association for Rehabilitation Medicine (composed of doctors specializing in physical rehabilitation medicine) in the Visayas is sponsoring a run on July 24 in Dumaguete City.

Dubbed as PARM M.O.V.E. (Making Ourselves Vigilant to Exercise), the run hopes to raise awareness on the importance of exercising and at the same time raise some money for the PARM Fund, which will be used to help persons with disabilities (PWD's) who needs medical treatment.

This is not the only running event happening on Sunday in Dumaguete or in the region, for that matter. Running has become so popular among the young professionals, that almost every weekend we'd see different running events that would either promote a certain cause or simply try to market a product or two.

So, why exactly has running gained ground? Will this just be another sport fad that would simply fade in popularity after a year or two?

Well, I hope not, given the many benefits that can be had with this simple activity. It is just amazing to note that because of its growing popularity individuals have taken the initiative to organize running groups, giving the habit an added social edge.

Running, as an event, however, is not just another soirée where one intends to join simply to meet other people. Running, in fact, is one of the cheapest ways of keeping fit and loosing weight.

Long distance running is a form of endurance exercise that increases our heart and respiratory rates. As you continue to engage in this form of exercise, you would notice that your heart and lungs would work more efficiently and you would not lose breath or get tired easily when doing tasks for long periods.

Unlike weight training, endurance training does not work directly on your skeletal muscles. Its effect is more internal. It strengthens your heart muscles, your lungs, the blood vessels, and the efficiency of your blood to transport oxygen.

Running trains your heart to pump stronger, allowing more blood to flow out of the heart for every pump. This means that the heart would pump lesser number of times; the blood vessels would increase in size, number, and tone which would allow more blood to flow to the working muscles; while hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells increase, which also increases the ability to carry oxygen.

In addition, running also helps increase your body's secretion of serotonin, considered as the "feel good" hormone of the body. Serotonin helps regulate sleep, appetite, and mood.

Running can also help prevent osteoporosis. Continuous load placed on the bones while running would help strengthen it. This is referred to as the Wolff's Law, which says that bones would remodel based on the intensity of its use. Thus, runners would tend to have stronger spine and leg bones. The reverse is also true, that is with inactivity bone would weaken, the reason why people with a sedentary lifestyle has more chances of getting osteoporosis.

No matter how you look at it, there are countless of reasons why you should start engaging in this simple activity. Running has plenty of benefits and it is one of the simplest forms of exercise that anyone can do, perhaps next only to walking.

So, if you are free this weekend, put on running shoes and start running for health.

For more information on PARM and its activities, contact your nearest physiatrist or visit a physical therapy clinic. You can get your registration form for PARM M.O.V.E. this Sunday at the Physical Therapy Section of Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital, the Physical Therapy Department of Silliman University, the Physical Therapy Clinic of Silliman University Medical Center, and the Office of Board Member Dr. Liland Estacion at the Legislative Bldg of the Provincial Capitol of Negros Oriental. (FREEMAN)

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