Makeup 101

CEBU, Philippines - How do you properly put on makeup? Do you just put everything on your face right away or are there steps to follow? Mary Kay Independent Senior Beauty Consultant JJ Farr shared that makeup makes you look elegant even if you are only wearing simple clothes. Makeup, she said, also enhances what you wear. Here are some makeup tips that you can try for yourself.

1. Wash your face. Before applying makeup, it is always best to wash your face first. Washing opens up the pores to get rid of excess oils and dirt.

2. Apply toner. Since your pores are open when you wash your face, applying a facial toner will close these and prevent oil and dirt from accumulating.

3. Put on moisturizer to soften skin.

4. Apply eye cream, especially for middle-aged women and those who have wrinkles around the eyes.

5. Apply Mary Kay Serum C, a no pain, no injection face lifting product.

6. To give skin a smoother finish, apply Mary Kay Time Wise moisturizer. This product holds all the products that you have applied on your face together.

7. Put on foundation. It is best to use a foundation that suits your skin color. Mary Kay has Beige 300 for those who are Morena-skinned; Ivory for those who are fair-skinned; and Beige 400 for those who are dark-skinned.

8. Apply Mary Kay Mineral Powder on top of the foundation.

9. Put on eye makeup. Shape the eyebrows first, then apply eye shadow. Match the color of your eye makeup with your clothes. Apply eyeliner and then put on mascara.

10. Apply blush on. Choose a color that will complement your eyes.

11. Put on lip color. Apply lip liner first to shape your lips then apply lipstick and then lip gloss. (THE FREEMAN)

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