Cebu Sandigan Foundation's 17th anniversary

The Cebu Sandigan Foundation marked its 17th anniversary at the Archbishop’s Palace with an inspirational message by His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, an annual report from the president Lita Ortiz and the induction of new member, Delia A. Villacastin. Cardinal Vidal is the spiritual director and adviser of the foundation.

The Cebu Sandigan Foundation has remarkably hurdled another year of hard work and perseverance to attaint its vision and goals, all for the greater glory of God. President Lita emphasized the club’s apostolic work and thrusts which include feeding the hungry and malnourished children, comforting the aged and sick, bringing relief and joy to the depressed sectors of society by generously sharing their resources, time and effort. Through the years, the Cebu Sandigan Foundation has been blessed with caring members and generous volunteers who truly appreciate the meaning of service.

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