Social Happenings

A memorable day and significant occasion happened last August 14 when His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal conferred the Papal Award Cross “PRO Eulisia Et Pontifire” to the Gullas brothers, namely Congressman Eddie R. Gullas and former Congressman Dr. Jose “Dodong” R. Gullas at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral. My warmest congratulations to Sir Eddie and Sir Dodong. May the Lord bless you!

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Honorary Consul of Spain Don Jaime R. Picornell was the guest speaker and inducting officer of the Ikebana International Cebu Chapter 145 induction of officers and new members held at the Cervantes Room of Casino Español de Cebu.

Inducted into office for the year 2010-2012 were Carmen A. Go, president; Edith Caseñas, vice president; Ding Mangubat, secretary; Tessa Zosa, assistant secretary; Gemma Castro, treasurer; Gina Bonghanoy, assistant treasurer; Norma Sanchez, liason officer; Sue Grey, PRO and Mariter Klepp, historian. The board members Coritos Abalos, Carmen Garcia, Becky Peralta, Zelia Borromeo, Marilu Hyden, Helen Yap, Betty Uy. Margy Sy is the adviser.

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Engr. Ed Batiquin, owner and chief executive officer of Batiquin and Associate Surveying Office (BASCO) celebrated his 64th birthday with a dinner held at Mercedes Hotel. The celebrator is the vice president of Sukna, president of CTMA and treasurer of CAMP. Happy birthday!

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