Swiss Festival @The Marco Polo

It was such a festive mood at the Marco Polo’s Garden Terrace when the hotel celebrated the Swiss National Fest on the occasion of the 719th Swiss National Day as part of Cafe Marco’s Culinary Journey.  The event brought back the real Swiss flavor and the gourmet traditions of Switzerland from A for Alpine to Z for Zurich.

The formal launch of the food event last July 31, attended mostly by Swiss nationals, Swiss-Filipinos and the metro’s glam set, kicked-off with the playing of both the Swiss and Philippine national anthems and a short program hosted by the dapper Adrian Ding. Marco Polo Plaza Cebu’s amiable general manager, Hans Hauri, welcomed everyone with his short welcome address followed by the traditional ringing of the bells and an official message in celebration of the Swiss National Day through a recorded message from Her Excellency Doris Leuthard, President of the Swiss Confederation. Thereafter, a toast was initiated by Mr. Hauri before dinner was served.

While everyone was enjoying the delectable Swiss spread, exciting games and the raffling off of attractive prizes kept everyone in their highest party mood. Worthy of mention was the live band that played danceable tunes ‘til the party lasted. Lapu-Lapu City Councilor and former print and ramp model Queenie Malingin-Amman was awarded as the best dressed in Swiss Theme that evening.


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