One World of Music & Light

CEBU, Philippines - "Your Catalyst for Wholeness, Creative and Conscious Living" Imagine a place where you are nurtured and supported in living your best life.

Such a place is opening in Cebu on August 9 at a center that will be home to YOGA classes, Different kinds of Meditiation and Relaxation techniques, Creative Workshops, Music and Sound Therapies, Events, Self Awareness Workshops, Meditative Dance, Inspirational and Spiritual Cinema, (Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine) among others.

Known for producing the unique concept theater show BELIEVE: the Pop Musical, One World of Music and Light is broadening its scope as a company that assists people achieve new breakthrough experiences.

There will be classes, workshops and special events that bring fresh perspectives and interactive opportunities to be healthy in mind body and spirit, to learn, grow and prosper.

The team is headed by Mind Body Spirt Medicine practitioner Dr. Bill Ramos, Dermatologist Dr. Eve Ramos, Noreen Chv Espejon and Marq Dollentes - a group of fun, loving and caring individuals who can assist class participants in this wonderful journey called Life.

The center is located at 0332 Don Mariano Cui St., Capitol Site, Cebu City. For more information call 516 8916.PR

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