Wheatgrass c.a.n.

CEBU, Philippines - Our bodies are designed to regenerate at the cellular level. But how come we still suffer from debilitating degenerative conditions like cancer and heart ailment? “We do have cancer cells in our body. But these are put to sleep with preventive health approach. That is if the immune system is kept strong to be able to continue preventing cancer cells from developing. If we do live a poor lifestyle and eating habits, this gives the opportunity for cancer cells to take over,” according to Dr. Ola Madsen, chief executive officer of Easy Pha-max USA.

In a press conference here last June 22, it was learned from Madsen that Easy Pha-max, being a leader in the biotechnology industry, has developed an award-winning technology that it employs in the cultivation and production of wheatgrass – food prepared from the cotyledons of the common wheat plant.

Current studies reveal that wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier of our systems with its powerful anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, and other nutrients that help cleanse the blood, neutralize toxins and eliminate excess fats, free radicals and heavy metals from our system. It is also rich in fiber which helps clear out toxins and garbage in the digestive tract.

Utilizing a patented, award-winning cultivation method recognized in Malaysia and Geneva (Switzerland), wheatgrass is grown indoors in a fully automated and sterile laboratory. “Indoor Organic Aeroponic Cultivation Method allows for total control over the moisture, temperature and indoor growing environment of the wheatgrass to ensure optimal growing conditions,” Madsen said.

He emphasized that through aeroponic farming, their wheatgrass is grown in the air (or without the use of soil or water as a base) unlike in the traditional farming or hydroponics.

“Such allows the roots to grow and stay sterile making it possible for the company to process and include the roots of wheatgrass - pollution-free, bacteria and mold-free - in every sachet of wheatgrass powder.

Further, aeroponic farming conditions force the plant to produce abscissic acid which is an essential phytonutrient that is highly effective in fighting cancer cells or can help prevent cancer formation. “A pound of fresh Easy Pha-max wheatgrass with leaves and roots goes into every 2g sachet of wheatgrass powder,” Madsen added.

When asked on the Department of Health’s recent order to put strong advisory that herbal and nutrition supplements are not supposed to replace drugs, Madsen said that they are not bothered at all as that is the proper path. “Take wheatgrass then like asparagus.” By that, he means take the product as food. One serving of Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass provides 17 amino acids, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, fiber, chlorophyll extract and over 100 types of enzymes. He mentioned that 15 pounds of fresh wheatgrass is equal to 350 pounds of garden vegetables in nutritional value.

Another health value of wheatgrass is as neutralizer of body acids. Hailed as “king of alkaline foods,” he stressed that wheatgrass neutralizes the acids in our body caused by acid-forming foods, negative emotions, stress and pollution.

Two of the most powerful anti-aging enzymes are also found in wheatgrass: Super Oxide Dimustase, a potent antioxidant, and P4DI, the first known substance to actually stimulate the repair of DNA molecules. In fact, P4DI is found to have the ability to strip cancer cells of their protective covering. The abscissic acid makes cancer cells vulnerable to our body’s immune system.

As for its 70-percent chlorophyll content, or that green pigment which gives plants their color, it neutralizes body odors brought about by certain food, alcohol and tobacco as it effectively neutralizes bad breath and menstrual odors.

By the way, Madsen is a doctor in organizational behavior. His personal achievements made him an epitome of a person who is enjoying the peak (and pink) of health. At his current age of 63, he still competes in various bodybuilding contests in California.

For those interested to check on whether the products are vegetarian and halal-certified, the company has a customer care call center where counselors are licensed health practitioners who can give proper information about the products and further assist consumers. Call 1-800-10-890-1111 or visit www.wheatgrasscan.com to know more.

Easy Pha-max received in 2000 the silver medal for the Indoor Organic Aeroponic Cultivation Technology in the 28th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products.

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