Let it all out

CEBU, Philippines - Do you see these in your diet: fast food, processed foods, artificial ingredients and colorants, fatty and oily foods, preservatives, and highly carnivorous diets?

Then you may be at risk with colon cancer, warns Dr. Ola Madsen who heads Easy Pha-max USA, during his visit here recently.

According to Madsen, incidents of colon-related diseases are increasing so fast in today’s lifestyles that colon cancer is now considered as the third deadliest cancer. He said the kind of lifestyles that people have today exposes our bodies to toxins.

With the colon being the catch basin of all the toxins and waste products from the food we eat (it is even dubbed as the “garbage can” of the body), the real problem is that they usually contain chemicals or other harmful substances that cause not only colon diseases, but other health-related problems such as migraine, weakened immune system, elevated blood pressure, nervous system impairment, brain damage, liver and kidney problems. These toxins are usually stagnant in the colon and are absorbed into the blood stream, leading to self poisoning.

Just like a garbage can, the colon should be emptied everyday to maintain the cleanliness of its surroundings. If it is left unattended, the waste products will rot, smell and it will be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Madsen said poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems. Toxins and chronic feces overtime can become hard and rubbery and can stay in the system for years.

 “We don’t want this to happen in our colon. The solution is cleansing,” Madsen added.

The results of a rigorous three-month clinical study of people on an internal cleanse regimen showed a reduction of pathogenic bacteria, an increase in water soluble vitamin absorption and a decrease of undigested (rotting) protein in the bowel.

However, not all cleansing products are safe to use. There are a lot of expensive cleansing brands in the market but you end up not getting the results you want. Others might even cause side effects since the gastrointestinal tract is a sensitive part of the body.

“What you need is a cleansing product that is made with all natural ingredients and is effective,” he said. “The So Easy Colon Cleanse with wheatgrass is on top of the list.”

So Easy Colon Cleanse is a product made by Easy Pha-max that is innovated to give health buffs maximum results that can be seen and felt. The Bio Wheatgrass, for example, is a complete food with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients which provide nourishment for the cells during the cleansing process. It also neutralizes acidity and slowly restores the pH of the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorophyll in wheatgrass also improves blood quality and efficiency to efficiently eliminate toxins in the blood.

Madsen explained that the So Easy 3-Day Colon Cleanse with Wheatgrass is a thorough and complete cleansing program that removes chronic fecal matters and other toxic substances that normal bowel movement is unable to expel.

It is a complete diet program that replaces all regular meals. This “fasting” process is necessary to allow the digestive system to naturally eliminate hard-to-remove waste, rebuild damaged cells and tissues within the system. With a cleaner digestive system, the nutrients blended into each sachet of So Easy are easily absorbed and assimilated by the body to facilitate the continuous removal of chronic waste and toxins.

In addition, it also serves as a very effective program to promote weight loss.

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