"Summer Experience" at BTC begins with Easter Egg Hunt

CEBU, Philippines - How would you want to spend Easter Sunday?

Hunting for Easter Eggs would be interesting. Much more if the hunting is pursued by family. Much more if the mechanics of the game make it more challenging. Much more if participating in the game would cost you nothing.

This will be so at Banilad Town Centre on Easter Sunday, April 12, where teams of four family members will be challenged to find eggs and accumulate points based on the colors of the eggs they gather and carry in their egg baskets.

More than that, children ages four (4) to ten (10) will learn from young artists how to paint their own Easter Egg and win prizes for painting the best looking Easter Eggs.

The hunt for the colored eggs begins as BTC opens at 10AM, right after the 9AM Mass at the south side of the ground floor lobby. Participating teams are urged to carry a team name and wear unique team outfits. The most unique team gets special prizes.


Registration opens as early as 8AM at the main lobby entrance as facilitated by members of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Cebu-Mactan Channel who will also serve as event marshals.

Eggs tinted with different colors will be spread all over BTC for the participating teams to find, gather and earn points. The value every egg with a particular color a hunter earns will be announced shortly before the hunt will start.

The Egg Hunters will have to be extra careful with the colored eggs they find, as they would lose points if these eggs get broken, or even it if gets cracked. They are urged to bring egg baskets for the hunt.

The top three teams that accumulate the most number of points by noontime will win prizes from BTC tenants and friends.

The Easter Fun continues after lunch by 2PM with visual artists teaching kids how to paint delicate eggs and turn them into wonderful Easter Eggs. They will take home their own works of art, and have the chance to win prizes for the best egg artwork.

Summer Fun

The Easter Egg Hunt and Painting Workshop w/ Contest at BTC kicks off a series of activities that BTC has lined up to provide customers with a wholesome experience throughout the whole summer.

These include some fairs, sports events, workshops in various arts, like photography, painting, sketching, music and dance, exhibits, special sale, gimmicks and even activities where customers will BTC in reaching out to underprivileged communities.

Meanwhile, to ensure your slots in the Easter Fun at BTC on April 12, send an email a.s.a.p. to activities.btc@gmail.com or send an SMS to (0919) 439-2889.

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