Chemical dependency, the recovery process

What Is Recovery?

A comprehensive model of chemical dependency treatment effectively combines the best of the Medical, TC, Social/Behavioral, and 12-step treatment models. It is based on the idea that recovery is a process that takes place over time, in specific stages. Each stage has tasks to be accomplished and skills to be developed. If a recovering person is unaware of this progression, unable to accomplish the tasks and gain the skills, or lacks adequate treatment, he or she will relapse. The following is a description of the various stages:

Transition Stage

The transition stage begins the first time a person experiences an alcohol or drug-related problem. As a person’s addiction progresses, he or she tries a series of strategies designed to control use. This ends with recognition by the person that safe use of alcohol and/or drugs is no longer possible. This struggle for control is a symptom of a fundamental conflict over personal identity. Alcoholics and drug addicts enter this phase of recovery believing they are normal drinkers and drug users capable of controlled use. As the progression of addiction causes more severe loss of control, they must face the fact that they are addictive users who are not capable of controlled use.

During the transition stage, chemically dependent people typically attempt to control their use or stop using. They are usually trying to prove to themselves and others that they can use safely. This never works for very long. This is usually the period before treatment is even considered as a viable solution.

The major cause of inability to abstain during the transition stage is the belief that there is a way to control use.

Stabilization Period

During the stabilization period, the addict usually experience physical withdrawal and other medical problems, learn how to break the psychological conditioning causing the urge to use, stabilize the crisis that motivated them to seek treatment, and learn to identify and manage symptoms of brain dysfunction. Treatment often underestimates the need for management of these issues, focusing instead on detoxification only. Patients find themselves unable to cope with the stress and pressure of the symptoms of brain dysfunction and physical cravings that follow detoxification. Many have difficulty gaining much from treatment and feel they are incapable of recovery. The lack of a supportive environment adds stress and undermines their attempts to stabilize these symptoms. They often use alcohol and drugs to relieve such distress. It takes between the 1st to 2nd months for a patient to learn to master these symptoms with the correct therapy.

Early Recovery Period

Early recovery is marked by the need to establish a chemical-free lifestyle. The recovering person learns about the addiction and recovery process. He or she must separate from friends who use and build healthy relationships that support long-term recovery. This may be a very difficult time for patients who have never associated with people with sobriety-based lifestyles.

They also need to learn how to develop recovery-based values, thinking, feelings, and behaviors to replace the ones formed in addiction. The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors developed complicate and hinder their involvement in appropriate support programs during this period. Major intervention to teach the patient these skills is necessary if he or she is to succeed. This usually happens of the 3rd to 4th month.

Middle Recovery Period

Middle recovery is marked by the development of a balanced lifestyle. During this stage, recovering people learn to repair past damage done to their lives.

The recovery program is modified to allow time to reestablish relationships with family, set new vocational goals, and expand social outlets. The patient gradually moves out of the protected environment of a treatment center to assume a more mainstream and normal lifestyle. This is a time of stress as a person begins applying basic recovery skills to real-life problems. This usually happens on the 5th to 6th month.

The major cause of relapse during the middle recovery period is the stress of real-life problems and the lack of effective social and recovery skills necessary to build a sobriety-based lifestyle.

Maintenance Stage

During the maintenance stage, a person makes changes in ongoing personality issues that have continued to interfere with life satisfaction. In traditional psychotherapy, this is referred to as self-actualization. It is a process of examining the values and goals that one has adopted from family, peers, and culture. Conscious choices are then made about keeping these values or discarding them and forming new ones. This is the time when they learn to change self-defeating behaviors that may trigger a return to alcohol or drug use. The maintenance stage is the life-long process of continued growth and development, coping with adult life transitions, managing routine life problems, and guarding against relapse after their treatment (Primary & Aftercare) have been completed. The physiology of addiction lasts for the rest of a person’s life. Any use of alcohol or drugs will reactivate physiological, psychological, and social progression of the disease.

The major causes of relapse during the maintenance stage are either the inability to cope with the stress of unresolved childhood issues or an evasion of the need to develop a functional personality style, or the lack of making use of a support group to help them through or the failure to maintain a recovery program and encountering major life transitions.

For m ore information feel free to contact us at Recovery House, 32-2331881 or 32-2315229. Or visit us at Sanson Road Extension, Lahug Cebu City.

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