CVCM 6th anniversary

The Catholic Volunteer for Charity Movement of Guadalupe parish church celebrated its 6th anniversary last February 17 that was kicked off with a thanksgiving Mass officiated by Msgr. Carlito Pono.

Hardworking founder Socorro “Coring” Valencia together with her officers and members organized the whole celebration. Highlight of the celebration was the presentation of Appreciation Awards for members who did outstanding performances and have given loyal service in the field of fund-raising and other charitable apostolates: Paulina Tio, Cris Davide, Trining Modina, this writer and Nito Flores.

Msgr. Carlito Pono, spiritual director of CVCM gave his inspirational message. The affair was held at the Casino Español de Cebu. Capping the celebration was a surprise dance number by Ester Acero, Trudes Rodriguez, Aster Patalinghug, Emma Escanilla and Cheryl Quilaton.

The club was organized six years ago with the objectives to serve the sick, the needy and the less fortunate, and to achieve spiritual and corporate works of mercy. The CVCM have served fire victims in Ermita, Carbon, Mambaling, Pardo, San Nicolas, Pasil, Tipolo and Guizo in Mandaue City. The CVCM helped the sick with donations of blood, antibiotics and supplies of dextrose and cash. They also helped the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Hospital’s emergency room for indigent patients by providing 10 big wall electric fans. They also donated books for children in English to the libraries of seven public schools and elementary schools of Tejero, Zapatera, Banawa and Guadalupe, the school for special children in Tisa (Labangon), Ramos Day Care Center and the Guadalupe Parish schools for children. They do monthly feeding programs, rosary crusades, visited municipalities in Cebu during the month of October.

The CVCM acknowledges its donors and benefactors in its annual fund-raising program: Honorary Consul of Spain Don Jaime Picornell, Rose Lim of Rose Pharmacy, Doña Rosa Maria Garcia, Isodoro Cañizares, Atty. and Mrs. Vicente Urgel, Dr. and Mrs. Vicente Perez, Archt. and Mrs. Nonie Mapeso, Mr. and Mrs. Prospero Canonigo, Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Tiu, Paulina Tiu, Dr. and Mrs. Arnulfo Lim, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Sanchez, Dora Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Escaño, Consuelo Uy and many others.

Cheers to CVCM!

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