The Artist as environmentalist

Her loving mother accompanied her in her enrollment for the practical study of fine arts at the Regional Training Center (RTC), TESDA Region last November 2007. She decided to quit her college study on nursing.

“She loves art so much,” her mother said.

Today, in her three-month training on fine arts, Ms. Ruffa Angela Mantos Genargue is ready to mount her works in the first art exhibit of the pioneering students of RTC Academy of Art this coming February 16 at the Metropolitan Cathedral Museum of Cebu, P. Gomez and Mabini Street, Cebu City. Her first painting to the public is her love for birds. This is to show her penchant for the beauty of nature.

As one views her work , a pair of wild birds perched on the tree trunk, one can see the drastic actions of people with no love for nature. One bird in her art piece is somewhat chiding humanity in protest for forest denudation. Without trees, they lost their sanctuary.

Artist Genargue is a vocal artist.

She was advised by her instructor, Mr. Erlando L. Majan, to pursue her college study because she will  receive a certificate of training/ completion on the day of their art exhibit at the Metropolitan Cathedral  Museum of Cebu.

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