Once Again: The BF Ball

Last December 28, the most-awaited Innocent’s Day Ball this side of town took place, according to expectations, as equally grand and glamorous as that of the famed Vienna Ball. History was made that day since it was noted that: “When you are in Austria, you go to the Vienna Ball, but when you’re in Cebu, you go to the Bachelors-Femina Club Ball.”

Interim club president Perla Agudo Peterson patiently revived the clubs upon returning to the Queen City of the South. After the organized reunion, the next activity they had was the Valentine’s Party at Casino Español de Cebu, wherein members shared reminisces, good food and fellowship.

Culmination of the revival was the BF Ball. Club members and officers converged at Casino Español de Cebu donning their elegant gowns and ternos with sophistication. The men, as well, were in tuxedos and barong Tagalog. The highlight of the ball was the Rigodon de Honor joined by 22 pairs led by “Mama” Anne C. Mahrt and “Papa” Oscar Jereza Jr; and “Mama” Rosebud Sala and “Papa” Cong. Benhur Salimbangon. “Punctuality was very much evident. Everything went on schedule. Reception line was formed at 6:45 p.m. and the Rigodon participants were all in line at 7:45 p.m. ready to march into the ballroom,” disclosed BF president Perla proudly.

In this spread are pictures taken during the ball. President Perla would like to thank all those who in one way or another contributed to the success of the  Innocent’s Day Ball. Special mention goes to “Papas” Cong. Benhur Salimbangon and Mr. Oscar Jereza Jr. and to “Mamas” Mrs. Rosebud Revilla Sala and Mrs. Connie Corrales Mahrt for their generous support. (Jen F. Vega)

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