Reflecting Sinulog

With 50 contingents vying closely for the win tomorrow, who wouldn’t want to join in the streets?

Now on its 28th year, Sinulog’s fame has crossed boundaries. The influx of tourists come at an all-time high making little to no vacancies of what’s left of third class accomodations. Commercial activity shoots up the economic scale.

Sights, sounds, spectacles zeroes in on the front and back movement of the right foot, hands waving, dancers in full regalia of their respective costumes.

This is Sinulog - well, superficially.

A lesson to catch is how to reflect on the real meaning of this festivity. Lest we all forget the Holy Child on the throne holding the world in His hand with the sign of peace in the other.

Get a glimpse of the smiling Icon and rediscover the real meaning of the Sinulog.


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