January 2008 birthday celebrators

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the year 2008 bring us blessings of good health, prosperity and peace, as well as harmony for all peoples in this universe!

Greetings to our friends who are January-born: Evita Sagardui and Manny Rabacal-January 1; Jan. 2-Renato Osmeña, Hope Solano, Chelo Conejero, Ched Albano, Msgr. Vicente Brigoli, Marietta Arles; Jan. 4-Bing Zubiri, Carol Go; Jan. 5- Zeny Deen (may you get well soonest!), Monina Blanco, Paquito Dizon; Jan. 6- Joe Utzurrum, Remy Balangkig; Jan. 7- Manoling Aznar; Jan. 8- Michel Lhuillier, Zeny Larrazabal, Shewak Mangharam; Jan. 9- Sammy Darza, Esperanza Valenzona; Jan.10- Ramon Dakay, Norma Llido, Joven Du, Mia L. Carcel; Jan. 11- Tirso Ferrer, Rudy Villanobos; Jan. 12- Lauren Cesaree Salimbangon, Alma Malilong, Buddy Hisoler, Kookee Tolentino; Jan. 13- Lita Canoy Quisumbing, Nilda Paradiang, Gingging Morelos and Ric Inting  ( now Las Vegas-based), Rudel Batalia; Jan. 14- Nancy Cuenco, Baby Madarang; Jan. 15- Loretta Calderon, Justin Neri, Georgia Osmeña; Jan. 16- Merle Zamora, Rudy Morelos, Neil Rumbaoa; Jan. 17- Didi Gullas, Sonny Osmeña, Henry Francisco; Jan.18- Ben Aldana, Mila Moreno, Minnie Osmeña, Joy Fajardo; Jan. 19-Prose Latorena; Jan. 20- Dr. Manuel Lim, Ester Velasquez, Malou Vinluan; Jan. 21- Annie Osmeña Aboitiz, Elsa Yared, PB Agnes Magpale; Jan. 22- Tony Garcia, Viving Figueroa, Ethel Soliven Timbol, Edwin Ricardo, Girlie Momongan Ruiz; Jan. 23- Dr. Mila Tolentino, Melanie del Mar, Terry Manguerra, Ester Borromeo, Judith Villegas; Jan. 24- Sony Escaño; Jan. 25- former President Cory Aquino, Billy Tan, Josephine Booth, Junjun Salimbangon; Jan. 26- Junjet Primor, Anita Blanco; Jan. 27- Dito Florido, Consul Dodong Alegrado, Vic Villamala, Danny Salimbangon, Angelina Escano; Jan. 28- Baby Kahler, Pacita Gothong, Vina Odchigue; Jan. 29- Raymond Garcia, Maxcy Borromeo; Jan. 30- Fely Agudo, Leni Echaves, Val Sandiego, Mark Yang, Dennis Mendoza; Jan. 31- Purit Estalilla, Ana Juan, Al-Joe Alfonso, Reina Bernaldez.

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Virgie “Mama Gie” Costales turned a year older last December 4 and her children, Bembem, Alice and Lenlen feted her with a big dinner at her home in Banawa. A member of Couple of Catholic charismatic communities, the birthday girl had Msgr. Achilles Dakay, Fr. Soc Saldua and Fr. Tingting Ancajas as her very special guests. She was then serenaded by the choir group of Jesus Christi Community with Christmas carols and a dance number was also presented. They had fun indeed and the heavy downpour later did not dampen the spirits of those who attended the dinner fare.

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From far away Temecula City, C.A. Fiza Y. Du and Ginna Rama were honorees at a lunch-dinner gathering hosted by their group. As usual, the affair was held at the sprawling home of Dr. Letty Du in Temecula. Since it fell on Thanksgiving Day, two “unpardoned” turkeys were prepared for the occasion.

It was a big gathering though and the party was extended until the following day were the girls took time out to shop on “ Good Friday” known as the day after Thanksgiving Day — all stores bring down the prices up to 85 percent. Wow!

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