T’was a good year

From the fully integrated regional, national and local 12th ASEAN Summit hosting, straight away to the Sinulog celebration in January was a notable feat. The aftermath of these two complementary events brought about a progressive increase in airport arrivals as a result of international fora and exhibits.

In the months preceding the elections in May, we experienced an influx of a greater number of bigger but well organized delegations of candidates at MCIA. After the elections, the new MIP Lounge became the nucleus of the President’s executive network of command and control facilities in the Visayas, as many meetings took place there.

From a record breaking 3 million total passengers in 2006, we are close to reaching 1M international passengers this year, and will be close to 3.8M total by the end of the year. From not hitting a lower gross revenue target in 2006, we are not only going to exceed this year’s higher target but will be close to attaining P 1B in gross revenue.

But the best accomplishment will always be zero-accident, zero incidents in air and ground operations; and zero security breaches against all airport threats.

Capping it all with a more formal celebration of the 17th founding anniversary of the MCIAA last Tuesday, December 18, was the “icing.” Secretary Leandro R. Mendoza, the Chairman of the Board of the Department of Transportation and Communications was Guest of Honor.

In his speech, Secretary Mendoza emphasized that as a result of the full realization of the ASEAN plus 3 one sky by 2015, there will be 500M potential travelers around the region. It would be a good objective for Mactan Cebu International Airport to build facilities to accommodate 14M of these passengers by 2012.

Towards Higher Altitudes

A new year is about to start, and it’s time again for resolutions. Let me put here some ideas from books I have read. First, “Never stop learning; but don’t allow your education to be a point of pride. God doesn’t use you because of what’s in your head, but what’s in your heart.”

When I started out in Clark in December of 2004, there was only one airline operating at the airport. I gathered the personnel around and told them, “You are all competent in what you do and we have the desired mix of expertise needed to operate an airport. What we need to do is just open our hearts to each other and reach out to those who need our help. Those from the outside can very well see when the environment is good and the atmosphere is right for business.”

From only 6,197 passengers and five flights a week in December 2004, we had 32,304 passengers and 39 flights weekly in the same month in 2005, an increase of 500 percent.

Second, “Realize that your talents are a gift, not something you have manufactured yourself; never look down on people who can’t do what you do.” Whether it’s about the family, clan, a community or big enterprises like an airport organization, how one manages people with different backgrounds, upbringing, education and attitudes and get them to work towards an accepted goal, will determine its success.

The success of the hosting of the 12th ASEAN Summit was the result of recognizing all these people factors and being able to harness the commitment of everyone at every period of operational concentration.

And lastly, this anecdote from “Jesus, CEO:” A woman dreamed that she was being chased by a bear. When the bear finally cornered her, she asked in terror, “Are you going to kill me?” The bear calmly replied, “I don’t know lady. You tell me. This is your dream.”

Most of the time, we do not take an active role in our own lives. We let others or situations determine our destinies. In my 35 years experience in the Air Force and five more years in three jobs after retirement, I have gotten what I wished for because I set up the dream and worked this out with Him. As He sees what’s in your heart, He will slowly prepare the path for you. No shortcuts at all.

From slowly becoming One Airport, One Team, One Family, we can go much higher. Nothing to stop us from becoming number one!

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