Early Christmas Shopping

That time of the year is here once again. Merry tunes are beginning to fill the air and multicolored lights now twinkle in the night. Soon the usual Christmas rush will become apparent.

Christmas means different things to different people. Generally, it is the season for gift-giving; hence, shopping for things to give away. This time, still several weeks away before the Christmas season goes full blast, is about the best time to shop.

If you already have shopping money and are willing to spend time going around, you can find really good bargains. Some stores are already offering Christmas discounts. If not, the sidewalk stalls downtown are good places to look in for nice, inexpensive items. The small shops along Juan Luna and Manalili Streets also offer nice items at very good prices. 

In a week or two, people will already begin to overcrowd in shopping centers. Many workers will have received their thirteenth-month pay and Christmas bonus by then, and the stores will try to outdo one another in slashing down prices. It is hard to search for good items or make wise purchase decisions when you have to wade your way through a sea of people.

It will be hard to carefully check on quality, too. Shoppers who can’t stand rubbing bodies with other shoppers will be in so much hurry to get out of the store, and just grab whatever they can put their hands on. And, in their hurry, they’re likely to forget some necessary items and will need to make the trip back again another time, and go through the same – or worse – discomfort all over again.

Going for good quality is very important. Especially when buying electrical decors. Look for a “PS” mark on items you pick which run on electricity, like Christmas lights. At least, you have basic assurance that these products have passed standard requirements on safety of use.

Closer towards the week of Christmas, the situation is sure to get more chaotic. Store displays will be so topsy-turvy from the sheer number of customers turning items over and over, for certain sizes or certain colors. The sales clerks will be so overwhelmed by the influx of people, and will likely turn somewhat unenthusiastic, or outright uncooperative, to assist shoppers.

Another hassle, of course, is having to put up with heavy vehicular traffic. With the throngs of people racing to the stores, it’s expected for traffic, especially on the main streets, to frequently come to a gridlock. To avert this possible annoyance, it is wise to choose going outside of the known rush hours.

And, still, there’s the grim possibility of falling victim to criminal elements that lurk around shopping centers. As we know, when the community goes into a shopping frenzy, snatchers and pickpockets will also have their field day. Shoppers coming out of the stores hands-full with purchases are very easy preys.

Some of us, though, may have no choice but just to wait. Some employers wait until very close to Christmas in releasing their workers’ bonuses. In that case, we may as well use the waiting time to plan our shopping in advance, like figuring out what we want to buy and where to find them.

We will save both time and money if we make a shopping list and compare prices at different stores, beforehand. We will know just where to go straight to, and not have to dizzy ourselves crisscrossing shopping districts. An added saving – and quite a major one – would be saving ourselves from debilitating stress and fatigue.


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