MCIAA Leadership: Maker of Dreams

 “…..but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law” —Galatians 5: 22-23

Traveling by myself in an airliner, I look outside the window and see the vastness of the sky, levels of cloud formations floating and slipping like dolphins formatting with a mother ship. Then I feel so small and insignificant, and feel the power His love – a truth I take for granted many a time. Then I think about the work given to each and everyone of us in our journey through life.

I have spoken about the complexities of retrieving and launching aircraft every calibrated moment at every appointed time, and the tremendous mix of different technical competences needed to be integrated to keep every system and subsystem of an airport working to its capacity all the time.

The responsibilities of leadership and management fall upon the shoulders of a chosen few: they are the maker of dreams for they must and often act as one. It is an honor and a privilege to work with a Board and a Management Staff so diverse and experienced.

The Cutting Edge

I find fulfillment working for and with a select group of people that represent the national and local stakeholders of the airport organization.

Secretary Leandro R. Mendoza of the Department of Transportation and Communications is the ex-officio Chairman of the Board. While he rarely presides board meetings, there is a certain peace in his person that always makes all focus on the important matters that lead to mission accomplishment. ASEC Nilo C. Jatico of the Air Transportation Office presides the meetings for the Secretary. In my dealings with him in the Air Force and up to now, I have been inspired by the way he is driven by his love of the people under his care.

Dir. Ma Lourdes V. Dedal’s competence and experience in Department of Finance policies and strategy plus her extreme kindness and understanding towards everyone she meets makes her one of the easiest persons to work with. USEC Macabangkit B. Lanto represents the Department of Justice. His experience and knowledge of immigration law as applied to airports is beyond question. He is gentleness personified, able to be both tough and tender when the need arises. When it comes to sheer excitement and presence, no one can beat Dir. Patria Aurora Roa, Dawnie for short. There is an unsinkable spirit in her, regardless of life’s circumstances.

Anyone can be Governor, depending on circumstance, but only Gwen can be the person few know her to be. Deep inside is her faithfulness to what she feels is best for the bigger interest. Dir. Bobit S. Avila gives his all in every discussion. His wide background in aviation and commitment to the “cause” makes him a valuable person for all. Most often, the managers love to discuss projects and options with Dir. Winglip K. Chang and Dir Dondi P. Joseph. Their experience in business and industry is a treasure. Dondi’s savvy in insurance has made him an international player, as well; add to this the presidency of the Cebu Business Club. Winglip has been known to be the “emperor” in the restaurant and food industry; and his love for music has brought him to many other interesting endeavors. Dir Nato V. Osmena’s love of life and its pursuits makes him the most practical man in the group. Very direct and simple in his ways, he clearly looks to what is best for others and the organization.

The Integrators

As the Board gives the guidance and approves the strategies for the organization, it is the management team that puts everything into implementable action. At the helm of this integration is the COO and Assistant GM of the Airport, Romy D. Bersonda. Being the most experienced in aviation and specifically in airport management, he coordinates the day to day operation, keeping in mind the standards of safety and security. Seeing to it that all passengers going through our airport will always have a most pleasant experience is the Public Affairs Staff, headed by Ahmed G. Cuizon.

I will feature more about the Management Team in the next issues.

Flyers like me dream a lot. Having been in the air in different types of aircraft, I have seen life from many perspectives; and have often believed that we can always become what we envision ourselves to be. But in doing so, much more can be done in the company of those who have faith in the same things.

We will be there…yes, in our lifetimes…

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