The fourth of July this year was celebrated in style as the annual FilAm Friendship Day held at the  Cebu City Marriot Hotel gathered the most fashionable  set  in the city. Spearheaded by the American Chamber of Commerce, the wild , wild  western themed event was highlighted by a fashion show featuring the latest trends from the original American denim label Levis. Galloping down the runway were the best male and female mannequins  from A.D. MODELS and some FTV talents who wowed the crowd with the sexiest moves on the catwalk ala cowboy style. But the crowd favorites were definitely the top executives from Am-Cham  who somehow gave the models a run for their money. Style Firm, Cebu’s fashion consultancy crew, glamorized the models, while make up diva Jessie Glova transformed them beautifully. The look? Wickedly pretty, I should say.

 Congratulations to the organizers and the lovely crowd who jampacked the event with a rowdy kinda fun, West ‘N Wild.

Email me at dexteralazas@yahoo.com for your style and fashion inquiries.


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