Norkis Yamaha gears up

Synonymous with high quality motorbikes, Norkis Yamaha gears up for this year with a series of activities. Prolific founder Norberto Quisumbing personifies the attributes of this forward thinking company. That includes variations of a lifestyle that indulges in sports.

Just at the start of the New Year, Club Yamaha Badminton team revved up with a tournament in skill and proficiency in badminton. A weekend of fun and camarederie among the team effected with generous results. The department heads, as well as the staff, obviously had a row of adrenalin inducing game that will surely, in turn, be productive at work.

Another lined up activity is the Norkis Yamaha: Gearing Up, introducing stylized Yamaha motorbikes on display at the Ayala Entertainment Center from January 19 to 21, 2007 with their appropriate gears and a collection also on exhibit of prolific designer Protacio. On opening day, January 19, Men from M.A.C.>Models Association of Cebu will strut their stuff wearing the collection of Protacio designed exclusively for Norkis Yamaha. Celebrity models the likes of Karla Bautista, Marjay Ramirez, Melanie Ediza, Stephanie Señires and Angel Luzano will also sashay on the ramp. You just have to be there!

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